Welcome to IndiesRising. I’ve got 18 25 great authors with more than 136 180 titles up already and more being added every week. Enjoy. — D. L. Keur, owner

I love good books. I love that they sweep me away to new worlds, expose me to new ideas, envelop me in a timeless state where nothing else exists but the story I’m living as my eyes drink in the words. This is why I read. This is also why I write.

Books (and horses) were my salvation as a child and young adult. They still are, in some ways, but not for the same reasons. But good books — ones that literally immerse me in their worlds — are hard to find. Maybe, as a reader, I’ve read so many books that I’ve become “read out”. I doubt it, though, because, honestly, I still find some, here and there, that, once more, sweep me away into their worlds so that everything else ceases to exist. When I find those gems, I love them. And it makes me hungry for more. So, once again, I’ll start hunting for the next one.

Rare as hen’s teeth.

The trads (traditional publishers) promise the world and usually deliver pale regurgitations of the same old thing they think will sell to most. I’m not most. I’m somebody who wants it well done, riveting, but lacking gruel and salaciousness, thank you. I don’t want to cringe at viscerally delivered, vicious cruelty. I don’t want to roll my eyes at bad, even ugly sex. If it doesn’t further the story, the plot, what’s it there for? To titillate me? Hardly. I’ve got a grand sex life with my husband, thanks. Don’t need the sad serve-up of tart pudding. Nope. And I definitely don’t need the crude, the cruel, the gore, and the ugly violence. I’ve got the news if I want to tune into that (which I don’t).

So, here we are — a site devoted to MY kind of books — but with a filter (a couple of them):

Oh, are we going to have fun! Finding good books and sharing them is one of the most delightful occupations my inner child has ever known.


click/tap to go to that book.

Mystery, Thrillers, Suspense Historical Romance, Women’s Fiction Science Fiction Fantasy Other Speculative Fiction Other Fiction Genres Young Adult, Children’s Short Stories, Anthologies Non-Fiction Poetry

NOTE: Each book is linked to its onsite presentation on its Indies Rising author page. This page isn’t quite as sorted and catelogued as I’d like it, yet, but, in the interests of getting this place going, it’s now officially a work in progress. ?? If I missed, misplaced, or mis-categorized somebody’s book, do advise. I’ll be truly grateful for all the help I can get. — D. L. Keur

Mystery, Thriller, Suspense


Police Procedural








Imperial Age

Early Americana

20th Century


Romance, Women's Fiction


That One Moment, romantic suspense by Patty Wiseman

Women's Fiction

Western Romance


Other Fiction Categories

Literary, Mainstream, Out-Genre

Family Saga

Humor, Satire



Young Adult, Children's

Young Adult



Short Stories, Anthologies





Science Fiction

Science Fiction (General)

Space Opera, Space Adventure





Time Travel


SF Humor, Satire



Myths & Legends


YA Fantasy

Fantasy Humor, Satire

Speculative Fiction


click/tap to go to that author's page.

independent, self-published author Adele Archer independent, self-published author Laura Belgrave independent, self-published author G. J. Berger independent, self-published author R. V. Biggs independent, self-published author Roland Boykin independent, self-published author Clayton Bye independent, self-published author LJ Cohen independent, self-published author Marva Dasef independent, self-published author P.R. Ford independent, self-published author Heather Haven independent, self-published author Dave Higgins independent, self-published author Shawn Jones independent, self-published author D. L. Keur independent, self-published author Paulita Kincer independent, self-published author Richard Levesque independent, self-published author P.D.R. Lindsay independent, self-published author Russ Linton independent, self-published author Nathan Lowell independent, self-published author Brian Meeks independent, self-published author Michael Allan Scott independent, self-published author S. Bradley Stoner independent, self-published author Steve Turnbull independent, self-published author Michael K. White independent, self-published author Patty Wiseman independent, self-published author Nathaniel Wyckoff

Adele Archer, Romance Laura Belgrave, Mysteries G. J. Berger, Historical R. V. Biggs, Author Roland Boykin, Fantasy Clayton Bye, Author LJ Cohen, Sci-Fi, Fantasy Marva Dasef, Author P. R. Ford, Science Fiction Heather Haven, Mysteries Dave Higgins, Speculative Shawn Jones, Hard Sci-Fi D. L. Keur, Author Paulita Kincer, Women’s Fiction Richard Levesque, Science Fiction p. d. r. lindsay, Historical Russ Linton, SF/Fant Nathan Lowell, Science Fiction+ Brian Meeks/Arthur Byrne, Author Michael Allan Scott, Thrillers S. Bradley Stoner, Author Steve Turnbull, Speculative Michael K. White, Literary Humor Patty Wiseman, Romance Nathaniel Wyckoff, Author

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