books and novels by outstanding independent self-published author PDR Lindsay

Author P.D.R. Lindsay, Historical

P.D.R. Lindsay’s novels and short stories are truly immersive experiences, the novels I present here stirring deep poignancy, some sorrow, and definitely rage, but that’s what good literature is about …besides good story. And these are very, very good tales, historically accurate in every detail, yet delivering a personal experience that has you, the reader, really living the times, each moment of them. These books are very much worth your time and priced way too cheaply, in my opinion. You can find p.d.r. lindsay online at — D. L. Keur

p.d.r. lindsay (no capitals please in tribute to her favourite poet, e. e. cummings) makes New Zealand home. Born in Ireland, brought up in Yorkshire, educated in England, Canada and New Zealand, writer p.d.r. lindsay is also Mrs Salmon, Ms Lindsay-Salmon and even for eight years in Japan, Professor Lindsay-Salmon. Having worked in many different countries, she calls herself a citizen of the world. This wide experience of different cultures colours her writing and keeps her travelling to see more.

Home is in beautiful Otago Province in New Zealand. A place of peace and spaces, most conducive to writing. When home in New Zealand, p.d.r.lindsay tutors would-be writers and promotes New Zealand novels and their writers, especially the Independent Published writers. Originator and founder member of Writer's Choice Writer's Co-operative she works with her colleagues to publish the best quality fiction, professionally edited and designed, for readers' enjoyment.

Her short stories vary across a range of genres but are mainly contemporary. When writing novels she prefers to write historical stories about ordinary people, those whose names and lives we don’t know much about. How did notable historical events affect those ordinary people? It is that which interested her as a writer. Reading the diaries and letters of parsons and farmers, merchants and tradesmen, brothers and sisters, mothers and fathers shows just how hard it was for them to choose what to do and what pressures might be brought to bear upon them. p.d.r. thinks these stories make for tales worth telling and lets readers learn more about themselves. Her novels are historical because what she wants to write about is clearer seen at a distance. Readers would not sympathise with a modern hero or heroine in the situations p.d.r puts hers in, but seen in another time frame those Main Characters are more understandable. The people of 17th Century England, 19th Century England or New Zealand or India have much to say to readers today.

Historical Novels

a novel of passion and revenge

(Available in eBook & paperback)

Bittersweet by p.d.r. lindsay, historical


Bryce Ackerman returns home from a business trip to Vienna expecting to marry his beloved Aimée. But she is pregnant. This is 1872 and Bryce is a Victorian gentleman who doesn't believe in sex before marriage.

Aimée is distraught. So-called officers and gentlemen, on leave, visitors to her home, have been making a game of rape. They have been running a competition to see which regiment's junior officers could rape the most young women in their own homes. Aimée, her family, with Bryce's family carefully seek out the other violated girls and women, offering aid and support.

Bryce, for personal reasons as well as an outraged sense of the injustice, attempts to chase down the officers. They have returned to their regiments in India. Bryce follows them intent on revenge for Aimée, and justice for all the victims, but it is no easy task. The officers will do anything to escape retribution and Bryce has to survive in the exotic and erotic atmosphere of India. It is a task which test his own sexuality and his ability to put personal vengeance on one side and secure justice for all.


(Available in eBook & paperback)

Tizzie by p.d.r. lindsay, historical


There’s no slavery in the Yorkshire Dales, not in 1887, not ever. But loving families use artful schemes to enslave the innocent. Twenty nine year-old Tizzie is such an innocent. She has worked herself down to skin and bones as a dairymaid on the farm of her dear brother, Jack, his gracious wife, Maggie, their three boys and one girl, Agnes. Expert at many things, though not in spotting conniving entrapment, Tizzie longs to see that young Agnes will not suffer her spinster fate. In trying to help Agnes find an education and avoid a life of drudgery in their male-dominated world, Tizzie begins to suspect and then uncover Jack and Maggie’s treachery, and the family’s plots to enslave and use up Agnes too. With only her wits to guide her, Tizzie tries to right years of wrongs and set Agnes free.

Anthologies by p.d.r. lindsay

Women Waking Up

(Available in eBook & paperback)

Women Waking Up by p.d.r. lindsay


Facing their problems with humour, courage, or cheerful ignorance, cunning, guile or sheer women’s cheek, these eight women find ways to make changes in their lives. They seize the opportunity to make a choice or decision, which might affect them in a major way.

The choices these women face are not uncommon. It’s what they decide to do which makes each story unique. Read them, enjoy them and see. Would you make the same choice?

Blokes Muddling Through

(Available in eBook & paperback)

BlokesBloke's Muddling Through by p.d.r. lindsay


What is Fred’s wall?

Who took the garden gnome?

Do the French have any redeeming features?

How far will you go to save your land?

When you’re not good with words how do you find ways to talk?

And if you’re not willing to change what might happen?

Find the answers in these stories and be entertained by how six middle aged men try to make sense of their middle aged lives in their own individual ways.

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